- Are you a superstitious person? What things are you superstitious about?
- Do you think luck plays a part in your life? Are you generally lucky or unlucky?
- What’s your lucky number?
- Do you know your star sign? What does it say about you?
- Do you read your horoscope? How does it help you?
- Do you carry any kind of object that brings you luck?
- Do you believe in ghosts /ɡəʊsts/ ? If not, how do you explain people’s claims to have seen them?
- Telepathy /təˈlep.ə.θi/ is communication directly from one mind to another. Is it possible to communicate this way?
- Do you believe in hypnosis /hɪpˈnəʊ.sɪs/? What happens when a person is hypnotized?
- Can people predict the future? Have you ever had a feeling about the future that turned out to be true?
- Have you ever visited a fortune teller? What did you learn?
- Have you experienced the feeling of déjà vu? How do you explain this strange feeling?
- Do you often dream while you sleep? Do dreams have meaning in real life?
- What is the purpose /ˈpɜː.pəs/ of Halloween? Do you celebrate it? How?
- If you could time travel, when would you go to and what would you do there?
- If you could have one superhuman /ˌsuː.pəˈhjuː.mən/ ability, like flying or invisibility, which ability would you choose to have? How would you use your power?
- Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? What makes you think so?
- What do you think about UFO sightings?
- If aliens /ˈeɪ.li.ənz/ come to our planet, what human behaviour will they think strange?
- What do you think aliens look like?

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